2 0 0 9 b o o k s

j a n u a r y

  1. The Hunger Games / Suzanne Collins
  2. Into the Land of the Unicorns / Bruce Coville
  3. Matters of Faith / Kristy Kiernan
  4. Hurry Down Sunshine / Michael Greenberg

f e b r u a r y

  1. Undead and Unemployed / Mary Janice Davidson
  2. The Clue of the Velvet Mask / by Carolyn Keene
  3. Song of the Wanderer / Bruce Coville
  4. The Numerati / Stephen Baker
  5. The Gum Thief / Douglas Coupland
  6. Undead and Unappreciated / MaryJanice Davidson
  7. Undead and Unreturnable / MaryJanice Davidson
  8. The Garden of Last Days : A Novel / Andre Dubus III

m a r c h

  1. The Living / Annie Dillard
  2. Inkheart / Cornelia Funke
  3. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close / Jonathan Safran Foer
  4. The Children of Men / P.D. James
  5. The Graveyard Book / Neil Gaiman
  6. Things I Learned from Knitting / Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
  7. Dark Whispers / Bruce Coville
  8. It Itches: A Stash of Knitting Cartoons / Franklin Habit
  9. Undead and Unpopular / MaryJanice Davidson
  10. When will there be good news? / Kate Atkinson
  11. In the Cut / Susanna Moore

a p r i l

  1. Free-range Knitter / Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
  2. After Dark / Haruki Murakami
  3. Undead and Uneasy / MaryJanice Davidson
  4. Chocolat / Joanne Harris
  5. The Girl with no Shadow / Joanne Harris
  6. Revolutionary Road / Richard Yates

m a y

  1. Hold Tight / Harlan Coben
  2. Flowers for Mrs. Harris - Mrs. Harris goes to New York / Paul Gallico
  3. Waiting for the Apocalypse: A Memoir of Faith & Family / Veronica Chater
  4. Warriors [vol 1-6] / Erin Hunter
  5. bi-annual romance binge: 20 books

j u n e

  1. Warriors: The New Prophecy [vol 1-6] / Erin Hunter
  2. Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said / Philip K. Dick
  3. bi-annual romance binge: 40 books

j u l y

  1. bi-annual romance binge: 20 books
  2. The Glister : A Novel / John Burnside
  3. Revenge : A Novel / Stephen Fry
  4. April & Oliver / Tess Callahan
  5. Columbine / Dave Cullen
  6. If I Stay : A Novel / Gayle Forman

a u g u s t

  1. bi-annual romance binge: 20 books
  2. Firestar's Quest / Erin Hunter
  3. Warriors: The Power of Three [vol 1-6] / Erin Hunter
  4. A Small Death in Lisbon / Robert Wilson
  5. The Entomological Tales of Augustus T. Percival: Petronella Saves Nearly Everyone / Dene Low
  6. The Geometry of Sisters / Luanne Rice

s e p t e m b e r

  1. Dog On It: A Chet And Bernie Mystery / Spencer Quinn
  2. What Came Before He Shot Her / Elizabeth George

o c t o b e r

  1. The Third Man Factor: Surviving The Impossible / John Geiger
  2. The Lovely Bones: A Novel / Alice Sebold
  3. A Gate At The Stairs: A Novel / Lorrie Moore
  4. Bluestar's Prophecy / Erin Hunter

n o v e m b e r

  1. A Reliable Wife / Robert Goolrick
  2. South of Broad / Pat Conroy
  3. Last Night in Twisted River / John Irving
  4. Under the Dome / Stephen King

d e c e m b e r

  1. Let Me In / John Ajvide Lindqvist
  2. Sum : Forty Tales from the Afterlives / David Eagleman
  3. Too Much Happiness: Stories / Alice Munro
  4. The Fourth Apprentice / Erin Hunter
  5. Handle with Care / Jodi Picoult