knitting: commentary

23 september 2002: slight progress

i finished the first sock for sophie, and i have decided i hate it. it's well done, and even kind of cute, but i wanted her to be able to wear them for a while so instead of making it too small as i did last time, i made it too big. and i cannot stand how it looks on her cute little foot. so i think it is time to give up on these particular socks, and instead make mittens. i did master the short row heel and the figure eight cast-on, though.

the second practice sock is just about ready for the heel; i might finish these before month's end at this rate. and i actually worked on tove's tencel scarf as well. i want to get some of these nagging little projects out of the way so i can tackle a bigger one -- maybe a sweater, maybe a shawl. and maybe a quick little pumpkin hat for sophie's halloween.

15 september 2002: bigfoot

my daughter has very big feet for someone so small. i used a pattern, slightly modified, for socks for a six year old, and they don't fit her 2 2/3 year old feet. so it's time to rip, and re-do.

the too small sock

the hat, however, fits her just fine. i have officially dubbed it the double rainbow hat. i-cord is my friend.

the double rainbow hat

in acquisition news, i found these giant needles, complete with the ball of double yarn, for $1.19 at goodwill. it's like knitting with tree trunks.

the giant needles

09 september 2002: a slight case of panic

work = crazy. house = giant mess. parental visit = imminent.

the second sock

therefore, since i have no time at all, i cast on not only for the second sock [finally!] but also decided to use up a ball of very colourful acrylic i bought at a garage sale for a quarter. sophie is going to get a new hat, and if i have enough left, a tiny pair of tube socks.

sophie's colourful hat

02 september 2002: no labouring

or at least very little. i intended to knit this weekend buy instead we went garage saling and swimming and librarying and shopping and walking and it was pretty much all good. now we are started a sort of slow panic as jim's mom will be here in 17 days and the place is a mess; my knitting and jim's video games everywhere!

tove's scarf

i did finally find a stitch for tove's tencel scarf, however, so all was not lost in k's knitting world.

august 2002