green.girl knitting: commentary

25 march 2005 recovering

so, i am now gall-bladderless. apparently i had an unusually long and oddly placed organ, so the procedure took longer than normal, but all went well and i am now at home cotemplating a week of free time. and contemplating why one of the incisions appears to have little relation to the lines drawn on my belly.

i want new knitting. and fairly simple knitting. and knitting i might actually finish before i have to go back to work. and so? clapotis!

21 march 2005 unfavored

is there anything i like less, in the knitting world, than weaving in ends on pieces created on large needles where there is no wrong side? i don't think so. bleh.

i look a all these colourful yarn ends and it fills me with the need to do something else, anything else. change the catbox, scrub the tub, organize the cupboards, anything at all. but weave i shall, and weaving i have begun.

i am having surgery on thursday and will stay home from work until april 4. i will either get a lot of knitting done, or no knitting done at all. just in case it is the former, i have made a list of things i can do: sew the buttons on kaleidoscope, finish the chainmail cami, start the maisy blanket. or maybe just go crazy and start something completely new and different!

10 march 2005 prayer

the prayer shawl, for that is what it is, is coming right along. i work a colour or two every night and think it will be finished next week.

then i will have to make some project decisions. do i finish all the half finished things that will be wearable in the warmer months? do i make a cardigan because it will still be cool for a while? do i start on a new wardrobe for my sister since she'll be doing her fellowship in michigan in 2006 and will therefore freeze her little booty? or do i make sophie a cardigan in anticipation of her first day of kindergarten this fall? that might seem a ways off, but the speed at which i complete projects of late seems to be decreasing at a rather astonishing rate.

06 march 2005 lull

there's been a bit of a lull on the knitting front. no reason, really, just have been doing a lot of things here, there and everywhere and have spent less time at home. i did start a new project the other day, while waiting for the husky baseball game to start:

it is a shawl made of the leftovers from last year's patchwork blanket. i figure i have g's lap covered with the blanket and now i'll have the shoulders; that should keep her warm through just about anything. and it kills a mini container of stash, so that makes it double plus good.

i rarely talk about much other than knitting here, and even more rarely about books -- mostly because i read fewer these days, preferring instead to knit. but i just finished gilead and it was absolutely wonderful. about faith and grace and redemption, all told via a letter a dying pastor is writing to his young son. it is beautifully written, not preachy [though my short description might make it seem so] and only the second book to ever make me cry, the other being a prayer for owen meany. and it made me cry in the middle of my workout at the y. good thing i was sweating so much, i don't think anyone noticed.

february 2005