green.girl knitting: commentary

11 april 2009 why i am stuck

in the past month, there has been a marked lack of knitting. part of it is situational -- a lot of work and family fun and reading -- but not all of it. i have three small projects on the needles and as i am feeling the need to maybe make a sweater, i need to finish these.

the socks, upon which i have knit a mere ten rounds or so this year. if i would just put my mind to it, they'd be done in no time.

the alpaca scarf for sophie's third grade teacher. i started especially early so there would be no end of the year rush and have not knit a stitch since the first session when we were cabining at camano island.

and here is the psychological reason for the stall: clapotis. i started this at a conference last month and was cruising right along when BAM!

can you see it? the place where two totally different colors are spliced together? two colors that totally kill the gradiation? i was trying to be all zen about it, was going to leave it as is and just go with the flow. so i flowed for a number of rows but each stitch scratched at that place in my brain that says "listen to me, listen to me, this isn't going to work." and i finally listened and i know it is going to drive me crazy and yet i have not yet found the will nor the patience to unravel to the point of evil.

tomorrow would be a good day to do it, i think, a day of rebirth, resurrection and hope eternal.

march 2009