green.girl knitting: commentary

22 november 2010 1 + 1 + 1 = 1.5

knitting math.

one waiting room at the dealer waiting for the car to get new tires and a tuneup plus one waiting room waiting for the small child while she ran rampant at a children's museum birthday party plus one waiting room waiting for the husband to get out of surgery equals one and a half large size wrist warmers. i am so on track. same yarn, different color, as the others. same pattern, only made slightly [10 stitches] larger around and longer as well.

with a little luck, there will be more wristie knitting this long weekend and i can then move back to the small child's fire sweater. and have four, four!, presents done.

18 november 2010 gift

sophie would like a sweater. what sophie wants, sophie usually gets, spoiled little weasel. best little spoiled weasel in the world!

she picked out the yarn she wanted and then said to make it a plain pullover, with a scoop neck, not too high and probably no ribbing. though she is dwelling on that.

she loves the yarn. me? not so much. it is roving-like so one needs to be careful knitting it. and it leaves my hands black. washes out easily enough, though.

i knit through two balls before realizing i was knitting for someone rather a lot larger than my daughter. so out it came and i will start it again anon.

13 november 2010 time on their hands

i had to fly to chicago for a conference this week.

this is what one plane ride to chicago plus two days of sitting in a giant room full of people will get you, if you are a knitter: happy and cushy wrist warmers destined to be christmas presents for two people. it is a purl bee pattern using the recommmended yarn; lovely lovely lovely to knit with.

08 november 2010 gift

this is the 100th month i've been tracking my knitting through this page. coolio.

i finished the blanket for my newest nephew and i am quite pleased with it.

while i might not buy lion brand homestyle myself, i am glad i used the three skeins that somehow found their way to me. it is soft and totally machine washable making the blanket very baby/new mom friendly. and i love the lumpy bumpy look this yarn gives a project.

also? still love the giant bobbles.

october 2010