green.girl knitting: commentary

26 february 2011 ominous

it looks like a sweater. and it sort of fits her like a sweater. but i have this niggling feeling in the back of my head that version number 2 will also have to be ripped out.

right now i am cruising towards the finish, and will then either graft the underarms or knit a little gusset and graft. and then we shall see what we shall see.

in other news, an appointment for your child to get the first phase of her braces removed makes for some good knitting time. one mitt almost done.

6 february 2011 reboot

february always seems to be more about the reading and less about the knitting.

but knitting is happening, albeit at a leisurely pace. the squishy wristlets for me are moving along one repeat at a time. if i picked them up every day, they'd be done in no time. but i don't.

the reknitting of the small child's extremely warm sweater has begun. i am knitting directly from the first version, which is rather fun. i watch one get smaller and the next get bigger. i've made it to the armholes of the old version and have started sleeve one. working from the bottom up, rather than the top down for this version. fingers, once again, crossed.

3 february 2011 found


not only did i find the sweater, i also found all the buttons. i had two sets from which to choose, little crystal flowers and these green hearts which both matched better and were easier to button. i find as i grow older and my fingers more stiff, i really appreciate the latter.

it truly is a darling sweater and i hope it fits the darling baby for which it was knit. and now i must decide what manner of sweater to knit for this beautiful girl's soon to be born cousin. new babies all around in the cousin world!

january 2011