20 november 2012 216
it has been decreed that the hex blanket of myriad color will be 12x18 which means i need 185 colored hexes and 31 marigold centers.
behold! 162 colored hexes! in a bad phone photo as the camera is currently buried under a pile of stuff that has exploded in my work corner.
i think there is a real chance that this will make it under the tree for my parents -- my own special christmas miracle. of course, nothing else is getting done what with the all-consuming hooking of hexes, but it will be worth it. i hope.
several hours later: i've misplaced my hook. it was in the ziplock with the current skein of yarn, but when i grabbed it, the bag was open and the hook gone missing. tragedy! i shall have to make an emergency run to the store tomorrow and hope i can remember the size. i do know it was pink, that might help...
october 2012 < :: > december 2012
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